Friday, December 14, 2012

Re-Vamping the Fleet!

Hey everyone!

To those just joining us, welcome! We are going to be re-vamping the fleet by trying to invite a bunch of new people.  If you could try to promote the fleet and invite people that you know and enjoy playing with that would help a great deal!  Everyone has invite permissions so everyone can do it!

We have a couple rules that we adhere to when in-game:

1. You must be 18+ to join the fleet.
2. Be respectful
3. Help the fleet grow.
4. Adult language is allowed
5. Participate when possible in Fleet Actions & events
6. Ability to use voice communications
To get ahead in the fleet you must participate actively, donate to fleet projects, and follow all the above rules.


 =/\= Ender =/\=
-- Fleet Leader --

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